Friday, December 2, 2016

What is this Blog About?

Blog Origins 

Who is your favorite president? 

Such a simple question led me to this project. My friend asked me some version of that question in the summer of 2016. I probably said Barack Obama but mentioned that I love Jimmy CarterSince she's from Georgia, my friend wanted to know more about my love for Carter. At that moment I realized I didn't really know that much about Carter's presidency, but I knew that I viewed him as a morally conscience individual who did the best he could with the country he had. I probably like him for what he has done since being president as much I think he was a good president. I realized that I know very little about any of the presidents. Political history has never been a strength or pleasure of mine.   

I decided I would embark on a project to read a biography about each United States President (in chronological order of service, of course). I figured I would (eventually) have something to back up my favoring of Jimmy Carter, and I would brush up my knowledge of American history along the way.   

So I grabbed a biography of George Washington from the public library and proceeded to spend – TWO MONTHS! – trying to slog through about 300 pages. Man, that book was boring. And it had nothing to do with the writing (having read many a poorly written history book in my day); it had everything to do with the subject matter and my failure to engage with it. I learned some surprising things about Washington along the way and liked the book's overall argument, but there was no way I was moving on to another presidential biography. Plus, in doing some digging, I found out that there are a good number of people across the country and the internet who have or are currently engaged in the same project. Who wants to compete with other blogs? 

Project Transformation 

didn't want to completely give up on the project. I was looking forward to learning about so much American history that I know only on the most basic of levels. So the project morphed into something along similar lines but that would better suit my personal interests – a biography on each First Lady. I am certain that looking at American history – political or otherwise – will be infinitely more relatable through the lens of gender. And what's the point of doing all this reading and learning if I'm not recording what I learn? That's where this blog comes in.   

Here you have, dear reader, my thoughts – none too analytical nor critical, none too detailed nor overly conceptualized – on what I am reading about the spouses who stood by our Presidents. Perhaps before the end of this project we'll have added a man to the list.  

Note on Books  

will decide which biographies to read based on the following criteria, in no particular order 

1) Availability at or by my local public library: I would prefer a book that I can pull right off the shelf, but I will utilize ILL if a book meets other criteria but is not owned by my library. I will NOT purchase any of the books I read for this blog.   

2) Length: I prefer a book under 400 pages before endnotes, bibliography, and index. Otherwise, it'll take too long to read  

3) Book Focus: Whenever possible the book should be a true biography, covering the entirety of First Lady's life rather than a specific portion of that life. For the handful of Presidents who were not married while in office, or in the instance that a biography does not exist for a specific First Lady, I will read a related biography – most likely on a previous wife, another close relationor the President himself.   

4) Author credentials: preferably a university professor or someone otherwise trained in the historical profession.  Nothing against independent scholars;  this is simply to say scholarly integrity trumps best-seller status.  I will also try to choose the most recently published option. 

5) Critical response: I won't spend a lot of time searching out reviews (scholarly, professional, or reader), but if I run across some while searching out the right biography, I will take them into account.   

One Final Thought 

I understand that relegating myself to a single book on a subject, not to mention neglecting all the books and various other sources that historically contextualize that subject, is not good history. As such, I readily admit the limitations of this blog to act as any sort of in-depth study of the individuals in question. It is not meant as such but merely a record of my thoughts on what I am reading at the time. That being said, feel free to comment on or question anything I have written (politely and respectfully, of course). I will do my best to respond with the limited knowledge I have.   

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